So I got a letter from JABberwocky today - it's my SASE envelope - and see that it's, of course, a rejection letter.
I'll just add that to the Pile. Thanks for the opportunity, JAB! So now I'm scratching my head and thinking there can't be that many more agents out there left... Self-publishing is starting to sound mighty possible.
Back to the query letter, I guess. I let this RL bother me for about 15 minutes. That's it, now I'm good again.
I'll just add that to the Pile. Thanks for the opportunity, JAB! So now I'm scratching my head and thinking there can't be that many more agents out there left... Self-publishing is starting to sound mighty possible.
Back to the query letter, I guess. I let this RL bother me for about 15 minutes. That's it, now I'm good again.
Hi Elton, I'm sorry to hear your news about your rejection. Take a look at
ReplyDeleteIf you get some feedback from some readers this may help you see where your weakness maybe in you first 10k words of your MS.
I found it help me alot.
Best wishes,