Blah blah all of that though. It was just a good film. BUT. Of course, I have absolute qualms with certain things about Mrs. Meyer's vampires. No fangs? What?! Sparkling sunlight? Get out... And her vampires never sleep. Never. Ever.
See, that's just sad. Give 'em coffins or something, because what is worth living if you can't reset? You'd go mad! And this is sad, because I never connected with Edward Cullen after this. He was above even vampire at this point, and he lost all human qualities - which he had a few up til this point. So I shuddered a little cringe when Bella expels the word "Vampire!"
Yet I do want to see it again. I was suprised that it was honestly fairly accurate. And for sure I'm finishing the book. I'm looking forward to the Twilight box set that's headed my way. Good film. And a great soundtrack.
Elt. I've read the first two books. The second in the series introduces werewolves and again they are completely nothing like traditional werewolves. It's not bad. I like the books more for their romantic appeal (I'm a chick lol) but I had to give it a shot because I love vampires. I honestly didn't like the second book as much. It was getting really unbelievable. Just the reactions of Bella. But I also have to remember the chick who wrote this is LDS and wrote it for 13 year olds. Overall though, I do enjoy the books.