This is the 14-year anniversary of the blog. I've stopped writing here for months at a time, on occasion. But something always reinvigorates me now and then, and so I return to say hi.
I started this blog all those years ago to kind of note the writing process on the novel I was writing. That story went nowhere, when I took a break and stepped away from the story for a while, and realized that I was simply not a good writer. That hurts, that inward deep dive into oneself.
Several months ago I started writing notes on a story I thought would be fun to write. I just kept writing and writing. I'm enjoying the writing process again, so I'm going to stick with it until the feeling goes away. I hope it doesn't go away, but I understand this is how I am now.
But there are other things I'd like to talk about here, so the blog has been changing a little bit to reflect the things that I love and enjoy. There are a lot of websites I enjoy reading that are into the things like I am, like Dinosaur Dracula, for instance. He just talks about Halloween and retro stuff, in particular. So I'm going to talk about these things more, and maybe the blog will find an audience of more than just me.
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