Update #1: I am really making strides with the second book. I'm at about 20K words in, or a fifth of the completed manuscript. The plot is coming together much better since I began using leftover characters from the first story. Revenge is driving the protagonist forward, and I'm just going along with the ride. I'm debating on keeping the title WITNESS or to go with something a bit more revenge-inspired.
Update #2: I've decided to keep/revert the first book's title THE UNIQUE DESTRUCTION OF AN ORDINARY SOUL, and keep it under the series name of THE DISPLACED VAMPIRE.
As the snow falls tonight, I'll be writing by the candlelight...
Tonight I plan to mail out a query letter to Michelle Brower of Folio Literary Agency. So, wish me luck!
Update #2: I've decided to keep/revert the first book's title THE UNIQUE DESTRUCTION OF AN ORDINARY SOUL, and keep it under the series name of THE DISPLACED VAMPIRE.
As the snow falls tonight, I'll be writing by the candlelight...
Tonight I plan to mail out a query letter to Michelle Brower of Folio Literary Agency. So, wish me luck!
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