After years of half-assedly searching for literary agents and publishers for my first novel (UNIQUE, which is still not as mint and perfect as I’d like it to be) I’m starting to feel like self-publishing is the way to go. I never began writing this novel for the sole glory of hitting the publishing lottery. No, I started this story for myself, and eventually for other people like me to enjoy; people who are into comics, vampires, and sex. So if I never have the gratification of receiving an acceptation letter in the mail from some big New York publishing house, should that really hurt my chances of becoming a published author and sharing my story?
Is it ever too early to market your book? This question is retroactive to pre-publishing, too. I know very little about marketing. In fact, I guess I know nothing at all. My plan has always been, from the beginning, to get my story out there . To have people read it - that's the point to all of this. That's why this blog exists. And yet now I find myself searching for new, constructive ways to market this book. So far, I've been searching for an artist for the cover. I have it completely planned out, but I could screw up a stick figure, so I'll leave this to the pros. I'm wondering if it's too soon to design a website. Would a website even work for an unpublished work? I don't know. These are things I am looking into to help market my first novel. I've never had much use for an ego, but is self-promotion really egotistical? Or will it only hasten my prospect for publishing? Hmm.
In high school no matter what I did at practice I realized I will never win an Olympic Gold Medal. I just didn't have the body for it, but I have what it takes to write- and I'm working on getting better at it.
ReplyDeleteKeep working for that thing you have always wanted. Why not? You can always self- publish if it comes to that.