In the several years since I've gotten off pills, but not entirely sober either, I've seemingly lost all connection to creativity. Reading, which I usually did all the time, has become harder to do, mostly with a lack of focus. I'm not sure what the hell is going on there...
But with all the fiction that I still do read and envelope myself with has been prying open that shuttered part of my brain that used to design worlds and characters, and begged me to step back into that world of creativity again. It's been soo long. Too long? I don't know. I started writing another story the other day when I should have been working, and four or five pages just flowed from my fingertips. That felt good. I'm wondering if I can do this again, or is this a fleeting phase and I'll give it all up at the first chance to look at something shiny and new, or take a nap and forget all about it.
All I know is that I love it when the vampires keep me up at night. It's Halloweentober, after all.