As I'm still searching for my old VHS collection in my parent's basement, I have had no luck and it appears that they may be lost in space and time. Though I have found dozens if not hundreds of recorded VHS tapes, mostly from the 1990s, which I look forward to exploring one day and committing to digital to upload. Of particular interest was about 80 tapes of recorded Dark Shadows episodes. My mother grew up on the gothic soap opera in the '60s, and in the '90s she began recording every episode possible. Now I've inherited her collection. Commercials included, so there's a bonus with these tapes. What a treasure trove... A small personal jackpot of several cardboard Halloween decorations from the early 1980s were found. We used to hang these up in our home every October until probably the late '90s when they were packed away and lost in their basement of their old home. There is nothing special in the find that would blow anybody away, but I was happy to fin...