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Showing posts from 2021

The Hospital Halloween 2021!

I'm still in Upper Chesapeake. I'll be in the hospital for Halloween. I could've gone home, but the doc said she'd prefer I stay a couple more days just to ensure I'm good, that my sodium levels level out. I'll defer to her med degree and stay the weekend. Covid and low sodium have kicked my ass. I've legit seen beds and rooms cleared, and you know where those bodies are going, don't you, Elton ? I do, and it's and odd feeling. It's frightening. I don't know if I've been this close to death before, in space and time - not my health. Earlier this week has been non-stop rainy. But then a beautiful golden sun came through, and it looks absolutely autumn outside. I'm staring out a huge window on the backside of the hospital to a view of just trees mostly. I'd wake up in the middle of the night to go #1 and it was pouring. I could see it pouring on the pavement under the amber parking lights. This persisted the first few days I was her...