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Showing posts from July, 2008


It looks like it's been a while since I've last blogged. I guess I have nothing special to say. Sort of in a lull, if you will--regarding writing and creativity. Maybe it's from movie overload. This past week I've seen Hancock and The Dark Knight, which just gave me cold chills. I thought I was above the hype, but I was absorbed in it. It surpassed the hype. Mr. Nolan knows how to make a movie. And Hancock was great, just fun. It was a comic book superhero movie done right. And before this there was a trailer for Watchmen, the cult-favorite graphic novel. I read it years ago, and while I thought it was pretty good, I'm not so sure about its creator, Alan Moore. Personally, I don't get the guy and his anti-American comic industry sentiment. But then, I've never been employed at Marvel or DC, so what do I know. Anyway, the film actually looks interesting. I bring these movies up for one reason. While watching them I actually feel grateful for good writing. I c...

Down and Out Back Home in Baltimore

Well we had a blast in Chicago. In fact, it turned out way better than expected. Sunburns, bloated bellies and lots of great memories are mine for the keeping. However, my smile was soon turned upside-down. At least for a few minutes. In fact, when I saw the self-addressed envelope, I barely even winced. You see, as soon as we returned from Chicago, I received the rejection letter from Mr. Bialer. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't believe that I would receive a phone call from him while in Chicago. I have a plan. I won't let it bother me...too much, and I'll continue sending queries nearly daily. Maybe I'll flood the editorial offices over at Dark Horse with submissions. Or perhaps I'll go straight to TOR. I believe it will be easier to find a publisher than perhaps it would be to get a literary agent. Or maybe not, we'll see. But for right now, I'm going to get back into writing book 2. I'm having fun...